Congratulations to Dr. Yeonwoo Kim, Sei Jin Kim, and Soeun Jang for their new publication: From Marginalized to Strength: Socio-Ecological Coping Strategies of Older Korean Americans with Language Barriers and Healthcare Needs

click the link to read the full-text article on multilevel coping strategies used by older Korean American patients with limited English proficiency.

Congratulations to Dr. Yeonwoo Kim and Soeun Jang for their new publication: The Cognitive Health Risk of Social Isolation Mediated by Dietary Risks: A Study with Older Korean Americans

“Excited to share our new publication, “The Cognitive Health Risk of Social Isolation Mediated by Dietary Risks: A Study with Older Korean Americans”, co-authored with my mentee Soeun Jang, Dr. Ahyoung Lee, and Dr. Yuri Jang.

Our findings show that social isolation heightens cognitive impairment risk, with dietary risks as a key mediator, emphasizing the need for culturally tailored interventions for ethnic minority older adults.

Proud of my mentee and grateful to my collaborators for their dedication!” – Dr. Yeonwoo Kim

Congratulations to Dr. Yeonwoo Kim for the published article: Importance of Community Context in Understanding Substance Use Among Adolescents With Allegations of Maltreatment

This study examined the association between community disadvantage and substance use among adolescents referred to child protective services (CPS) and the interaction role of race/ethnicity in the association between community disadvantage and adolescent substance use.

Click on the link to read more!

Congratulations to Ami Patel for being an award recipient for UTA COHNI’s clinical excellence award for Intro to Biostatistics mentored by Dr. Yeonwoo Kim!

Congratulations to Dr. Yeonwoo Kim for receiving the Junior Career Achievement Award from the Korean American Social Work Education Association!

Food Environments and Cardiovascular Disease: Evidence From the Health and Retirement Study

The study investigates the relationship between different types of food environments and the incidence of cardiovascular disease among older adults, using data from the Health and Retirement Study. The study aims to look at social determinants of cardiovascular health along with healthy and unhealthy food environment impacting cardiovascular incidents.

Congratulations to Kim Sei Jin for presenting her research for the Research Beyond Boundaries Poster Symposium!

Congratulations to Jang Soeun for presenting at the research symposium for Exploring Health Access Challenges Among Korea American Older Adults: A Sociological Perspective!

Investigating Impacts of an Undergraduate Gerontology Education Program for Future Healthcare Professionals Designed to Support Underserved Older Adults

For the 2023 APHA Conference, Darashagam Nahal was able to present two research works. The first presentation was in poster format on the “Effects and experiences of unequal access to clean energy in three municipalities in Colombia”. The second presentation was in oral format on “A critical review of the health effects of food insecurity across the life-course”.

“I had such an amazing experience at the 2023 APHA Conference, and I am so glad that I was able to represent our program there through my research.”

Nahal and three others were selected as the top abstracts among all students who submitted to the APHA Food and Nutrition (FN) Section. And she then received the award for the highest scoring scientific abstract among all Food and Nutrition Section student presentations at the FN Section Awards and Networking Social on Sunday, November 12th. All of CONHI is very proud of her accomplishment.



Yeonwoo Kim, Investigating Impacts of an Undergraduate Gerontology Education Program for Future Healthcare Professionals Designed to Support Underserved Older Adults

The study aims to design a health equity education training module which focuses on gerontological health and health disparities for training our students to provide culturally competent care to all individuals in the future. The proposed study is to design, implement, evaluate, and disseminate an education training module to improve future health professionals’ knowledge of health disparities and culturally competent care in gerontology.

This research involves interviewing first generation immigrants who are 40 years or older with chronic health conditions and have limited English proficiency. The interview consists of monetary compensation for participants to engage with researchers and talk about their perspective on their chronic conditions and management.